Monday, November 14, 2011

Exciting times....

There was much excitement in the house of Little Yon Yon last week when Kathy Sheeran from Shopping Confessions  rung and said she would like to include Little Yon Yon in her weekly article in the ShopSmart Magazine inside the Sunday Telegraph! Ekkkkkkkkkkkk......After a few tears from absolute amazement, I rung her back and said Yes (of course)!  Well sure enough, there I was in this weeks Sunday Telegraph.  Moments like these make me sooo proud of my little business and make me realise that I am probably achieving move then what I realise.  I would love to thank Kathy for thinking of my little business as her article has had a very positive response so far with many people taking advantage of the Shop Smart discount :) 

x Michelle

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our 5000 fan giveaway winner is

Deb Doheny!!!!

Congratulations Deb, please email me at so we can get your goodies to you :)